Ausisegur has contributed to the success of important events and large events, private and public, both in Italy and abroad.

The success of Ausisegur is given by its fundamental management principles:

  • 100% customer satisfaction as a daily goal
  • The investment in our people. Great people make companies great.
  • The constant search for learning and technical excellence. Only the highest professional and ethical standards.



Ausisegur is in possession of the ISO 9001 quality certificate. It is an important step that certainly opens the doors to a market that requires guarantees of quality of services and professionalism. After years of hard and demanding work, the qualities of our company services are made official, recognized and certified. It is the confirmation of a reliable structure that guarantees the reproducibility of its performances and therefore the maintenance if not the improvement of the quality standard. It is a guarantee of reliability for customers, suppliers but also employees and collaborators.



Professionalism, competence and seriousness distinguish our modus operandi, together with the reasonableness and honesty of costs. These are the ingredients of our success. Ausisegur is constantly in possession of a DURC, which certifies the regular observance of the Labor Laws at each deadline, in fact the certificate, on the basis of a single request, simultaneously certifies the regularity of a company with regard to Inps obligations, Inail and Cassa Edile, verified on the basis of the respective reference legislation.

Ausisegur offers its employees courses aimed at obtaining first aid certificates with defibrillator and fire fighting of medium / high risk. All courses periodically provide updates.
These courses provide aspiring staff with technical preparation and training before their entry into operational service, and a wealth of theoretical and practical knowledge of a high quality and professional level.

The training course is divided into several areas:

  • Knowledge of the company structure and the equipment operating in the Supervisory area
  • Legal area
  • Theoretical and practical training
  • First aid
  • Fire fighting


“Those of us who are lucky enough to know the staff and work with Ausisegur, find originality ‘, great career opportunities, the security of a permanent job, utmost seriousness’, incredible professionalism ‘, as well as’ friends and an inspiring mentor.”

“Behind the scenes, your dedication and attention to detail has provided us with the best security coverage for each of our events. The flawless execution of the security plans is directly attributable to your knowledge and foresight, for which we are extremely grateful. ” Luciarelli Ian of Itree Spa

I would like to take this time to thank you and your staff for their exceptional efforts during your many services. Each of the guards provided exceptional and professional service. It has been a real pleasure to work with such dedicated professionals. “Michael S. of Squad Spa.

“The security staff have been professional and cautious at all times. They have been helpful and have maintained a high degree of visibility that is needed at these events. I would recommend your services to other companies without hesitation.” Alfonso. M. of Ingridd LTD

“We thank you for your invaluable role in our EPIC EVENT 2018.
Your participation is sincerely appreciated and helps us create a memorable evening for our guests and the community at large. See you next time! “Tony of Saturno Security


“Quelli di noi che hanno la fortuna di conoscere lo staff e di lavorare con Ausisegur , trovano originalità’, grandi possibilità di far carriera, la sicurezza di un posto fisso, massima serietà’, incredibile professionalità’, nonché’ degli amici e un mentore ispiratore.”

“Dietro le quinte, la Vostra dedizione e attenzione ai dettagli ci hanno fornito la migliore copertura di sicurezza per ciascuno dei nostri eventi. L’esecuzione impeccabile dei piani di sicurezza è direttamente attribuibile alle Vostre conoscenze e lungimiranza, per le quali siamo estremamente grati.” Luciarelli Ian di Itree Spa

Vorrei dedicare questo tempo a ringraziare voi e il vostro staff per i loro sforzi eccezionali durante i vostri numerosi servizi. Ciascuno delle guardie ha fornito un servizio eccezionale e professionale. È stato un vero piacere lavorare con professionisti così dedicati.”Michael S. di Squad Spa.

“Il personale di sicurezza è stato professionale e cauto in ogni momento. Sono stati utili e hanno mantenuto un alto grado di visibilità che è necessario in questi eventi. Raccomanderei senza esitazione i tuoi servizi ad altre Aziende.” Alfonso. M. di Ingridd LTD

“Vi ringraziamo per il vostro inestimabile ruolo nel nostro EPIC EVENT 2018.
La vostra partecipazione è sinceramente apprezzata e ci aiuta a creare una serata memorabile per i nostri ospiti e la comunità in generale. Alla prossima !” Tony di Saturno Security


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